A Letter to the Editor about the Indiscriminate use of microphone

To The editor,

The Statesman,


Sir, May I, through your esteemed daily, appeal to the good sense of the public as well as to the authorities in the charge of the maintenance of law and order in our state against the indiscriminate use of the loudspeaker during the year and particularly during the religious festivals.

There is no denying the fact that the microphones is a great contribution of science. But if abused it can be varitable curse. Now a days the use of microphones has become an awful person in season and out of season.

A religious festival is a solemn occasion, when, at least for the time being, we feel spiritually elevated. But now a days youngstars imagine that record players and the microphones r an integral part of the ceremony.

All shots of popular Hindi songs can we heard throughout the day and night, which become a positive nuisance. Old man and woman, suffering from heart troubles, find it difficult to have a wink of sleep. Examiners turn to book and forced to listen to endless songs. According to the police notification microphone mask not be used after 10 p.m. but our young stars having no civic sense defy the orders and disturb everybody. This thing cannot be allowed to go on.

Now I hope that the authorities concerned should think over the matter and take immediate steps to stop this nuisance.


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